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St Mary the Virgin’s Church – Little Harrowden

Little Harrowden is a beautiful countryside village situated between Wellingborough and Kettering and is one of the longest and narrowest parishes in Northamptonshire. It is built around the Church of St Mary the Virgin, which dates back to 1190.


Sunday Services

From October 2021 there will be a Worship Together with Communion Service at 9.30am on the fourth Sunday of the month.

There will be special services in Church on important days and feast days such as Harvest, Remembrance and Christmas etc.

There will be other Worship Together with Communion Services in other churches in the Benefice during the month at 9.30am (First Sunday – Isham, Second Sunday – Pytchley, Third Sunday – Great Harrowden and Orlingbury).

There are two Benefice Children’s groups:  Cupcakes and Fizz at 3pm on the second Sunday of the month at Isham and Forest Church at 3pm on the 4th Sunday of the month at Pytchley.

Forest Church: Our new outdoor service starts Sunday 26th September at 3pm. Venue: Pytchley Church. Forest church is an interactive service using nature to help us to think about God and faith. Everyone around the benefice is welcome so please do tell your friends, neighbours and everyone you know!

Baptisms non communion services unless requested :  Time to to be arranged with parents.

All forthcoming services can be found under the Benefice Services tab.

Coffee/tea etc. are served after the services at the back of church giving people a chance to chat with others.  If you would like to be on the coffee rota there is a list you can fill in at the back of Church.

Weekday Services

Holy Communion is held in the week on a Wednesday morning at 10am.  This is followed by a Community Coffee Morning when all are welcome.

Morning Prayer is going to continue via Zoom at 10am every weekday morning, Monday through to Saturday at 10am.  Contact [email protected] for an invitation.


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