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Local Groups

The Benefice has a number of groups that meet regularly. Everyone is welcome to join groups at any one of our 5 Churches and those where there is just one, like Little Fishes and Mothers’ Union etc. Information about meetings are usually published in Connect 5 and News in the Pews.


Why not come and join the local Scouts group?


Isham, Orlingbury and Pytchley have bell ringing teams.


Orlingbury: Tim Samson 01933 402240
Isham: Margaret Buchanan
Pytchley: TBC

Bible Group

Meets the third Wednesday of every month at 7.30pm in Orlingbury. Everyone welcome.

Gillian Walton
01933 557410
[email protected]


Isham, Little Harrowden and Orlingbury have choirs and new members are welcome.


Orlingbury: Tim Pipkin 07780723155
Little Harrowden: Christine Nicholls 01933 673792



Cupcakes & Fizz! Isham

Sunday of each month at 4pm, St Peter’s , Isham. The services are for children and families and aim to tell bible stories, have fun, activities and refreshments.  More information Lesley Marriott 01536 726163


Little Fishes

Meets every Monday in term time at Little Harrowden Church from 9.30am and is for pre-school children, their parents, grandparents and carers. Little Fishes play, have a bible story and share refreshments.

Contact: Rev’d Toni Smith 01933 678225

Men’s Breakfast

Meets monthly at Little Harrowden Church on a Saturday morning. Full English, plus discussions! Men only!

mens breakfast

Contact: Carolynne on 01933 673492

For more information and how ladies can get in on the act, visit Churches/Little Harrowden/Groups

Rainbows, Brownies, Guides & Rangers

We have a number of Girlguiding groups in the benefice, please visit out page for all the latest information on how to get involved.


Sunday School, Little Harrowden

Held one Sunday of the month (see Benefice Services for exact dates).  The children and carers meet at 9.15am at Little Harrowden School.  Children and leaders walk back to the church to join the main service for communion and a blessing and the children show the congregation the activity they have done and talk about what they have learnt.

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