This is the page where we can all list what resources we have that we can share, which could be skills, equipment, time, machinery etc.
Orlingbury have 2 large soup kettles, providing about 40 servings each, which can be borrowed.
Contact Jan Miles 01933 400123
I have a large electric frying pan that can cook 20 eggs, or 25 rashers of bacon at one go. I am happy to lend it for functions at other Churches.
Contact Gillian Walton 01933 401340
Orlingbury have some children’s games that can be borrowed eg large Jenga, suitable for Fetes etc.
Contact Gillian Walton 01933 401340
The Benefice owns 2 marquees for the use of all the Churches. They are stored in Orlingbury Village Hall and need to be booked out.
Contact Gwen Carter 01933 678275
The Children’s Holiday Club group have a store of paper and other craft resources for use by other similar groups in the Benefice, so if you need some, do ask first and save money!
Contact Jane Smith 07851 229452